UPDATE: #ResetTheNet is now on the frontpage of The Guardian, please share this article to help spread the word: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/jun/02/reddit-imgur-boing-boing-reset-the-net-campaign-nsa-surveillance-privacy
Dear Fight for the Future member,
Just writing quickly to make sure you’ve heard the news and you’re all ready for Thursday?

We finally have a chance to directly intervene in mass surveillance and make the Internet safer for everyone, but we literally need everyone who gets this email to join in securing their devices. No more excuses. It’s time to show our power and make the web a safer place for everyone.
We’ve been working tirelessly behind the scenes on this, and we are pumped. There are a bunch of things we have to keep secret for now to ensure we have the element of surprise, but let’s just say there are going to be some incredibly exciting announcements on June 5th. Reset the Net isn’t a single protest or day of action, it’s the beginning of a movement that will change the future of the Internet forever. We’ll be making history together, and showing the true power that Internet users have when we stand up for our rights.

As we count down to the big day on June 5th, we’ll making major announcements each day, and we’ll ask you to help out with one thing each day to spread the word. If we all pitch in, when we Reset the Net it will send a message to every government in the world that mass surveillance is illegitimate and won’t be tolerated on our Internet.
Stay tuned, we’ll be in touch with more soon.
Please share this link far and wide, everywhere you know how: http://resetthenet.org
-Evan and Tiffiniy
Fight for the Future
P.S. One of the easiest ways to help Reset the Net and promote the use of encryption tools is to join this Thunderclap with your Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr. We’re already reaching 3 million people, help us get to 5 million by June 5th: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/10619-reset-the-net?locale=en