PHOTOS: Net neutrality activists unleash new billboards to hold members of Congress accountable on resolution to overrule FCC

Contact: Evan Greer, 978-852-6456,
New billboards in Nebraska slam Rep Jeff Fortenberry for putting ISPs ahead of constituents, while Colorado ads thank Rep Mike Coffman for defending net neutrality.
Today digital rights group Fight for the Future unleashed four new crowdfunded billboards across Nebraska targeting Representative Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) for attempting to fool constituents by cosponsoring symbolic net neutrality legislation, which has no chance of passing this Congress, but refusing to sign on to the CRA resolution, which has already passed the Senate, and is the viable way for lawmakers to restore protections this year. The billboard notes that Fortenberry has taken nearly $100,000 in campaign contributions from telecom companies.
The group also unveiled a new billboard in Denver, CO thanking Representative Mike Coffman (R-CO) for showing political courage by becoming the first GOP member of the House to sign on to the discharge petition for the CRA. The billboard highlights an open letter signed by hundreds of Colorado small businesses, and thousands of businesses nationwide, calling on Congress to pass the CRA to restore net neutrality protections as quickly as possible.
See PHOTOS of some of the billboards here:
The five billboards come as members in the House of Representatives return to their home districts for the August congressional recess.
The CRA is the only measure that can restore meaningful net neutrality rules during this Congress. It recently passed the Senate in a historic bipartisan vote of 52-47, including support from GOP Senators Murkowski (AK), Collins (ME) and Kennedy (LA). It’s companion in the House currently has 177 signers including Rep Coffman.
A new poll conducted by IMGE Insights shows that net neutrality will influence a majority of voters in the upcoming election cycle. Fight for the Future has promised to crowdfund billboards targeting lawmakers who sponsor alternative net neutrality legislation without also signing the CRA to restore strong protections as soon as possible.
“Congress needs to know that they can’t hide from this issue, or attempt to fool their constituents by supporting symbolic net neutrality legislation without also signing on to the CRA, which is the only viable way to restore these crucial protections this year,” said Evan Greer, campaign director of Fight for the Future (pronouns: she/hers), “Small businesses and Internet users can’t afford to be left without protections from power-hungry ISPs while a tech illiterate Congress debates this issue and turns it into a partisan football match. This is not complicated: any lawmaker who doesn’t support the CRA is helping kill net neutrality, and we’re going to make sure their constituents know they were sold out in exchange for campaign checks from Big Cable.”
Below are the locations of each billboard:
* Denver, CO: 2251 South Parker Rd, 200’ north of Iliff Ave on the west side facing south.
* Lincoln, NE: On North 27th avenue just north of Fairfield Street
* Lincoln, NE: On North 70th street just north of I-34.
* Lincoln, NE: 4738 Normal Blvd west of South 48th Street
* Lincoln, NE: Intersection of Old Cheney Rd and South 56th Street
The billboards targeting Congressman Fortenberry read:
“REP FORTENBERRY BETRAYED NEBRASKA. He took $99,850 from telecom companies and refused to sign the CRA to restore strong net neutrality protections. Ask him why: 402-438-1598.”
Source for campaign contribution figures: The Verge.
The billboard thanking Congressman Coffman reads:
Congressman Mike Coffman stood up to Big Cable and fought for Colorado businesses and Internet freedom by signing the CRA.”